Recycling Copper — 5 Sources To Take To A Recycling Center

Copper is one of the most valuable recyclable materials. It is durable and can be reused in numerous ways, including making new copper products or being used as an alloy in other metals. As such, it’s important to recycle copper whenever possible. Here are five sources of copper that people can take to a recycling center.

1. Wiring and Cables

Copper is an excellent conductor, which makes it ideal for applications like electrical cords and wiring. Many types of wiring and cables contain copper, including electrical wiring, telephone wires, and coaxial cables. These items should be taken to a recycling center as soon as they are no longer needed, as the copper inside them can be recycled and used again.

2. Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures such as pipes, valves, and fittings all contain copper. Old plumbing fixtures should be taken to a recycling center for proper disposal and recycling. It is important that the copper piping is clean and free of plastic or other substances. Recycling pipes ensures that the copper inside them is not wasted but reused in new products or alloys. 

3. Appliances

Many appliances contain small amounts of copper, such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and dryers. To recycle these items, most centers will require that the appliance is broken down and the copper components are separated. Check with your local recycling center for specific guidelines before bringing in any appliances for recycling. 

4. Housewares

Many housewares also contain small amounts of copper, such as pots and pans, utensils, kitchenware sets, jewelry boxes, decorative bowls, etc. These items should be taken to a recycling center when they are no longer needed so that the small amounts of copper inside them can be recycled rather than thrown away with regular household waste.

5. Electronics

Electronics such as computers and TVs also contain small amounts of copper, which should be recycled when no longer needed rather than thrown away with regular household waste. Electronic recyclers are often able to strip down the components of the device and extract any copper that is inside, which can then be reused in new products or alloys.

Copper is one of the most valuable recyclable materials on earth — it can be reused in numerous ways, including making new products or being used as an alloy in other metals — so it’s important to recycle it whenever possible. 

Contact a professional to learn more about copper recycling
